Student IDs

Click here to download the form if you are a student.    |    Click here to download the form if you are a teacher.

On the initiative of Mr. Andrzej Duda, in December 2016 the Sejm adopted changes in the regulations that grant pupils of Polish schools and people learning Polish in schools of foreign education systems, and teachers of those schools, to receive a card to qualify for reduced travel costs for public transport during their stay in Poland and entrance to museums and national parks on principles similar to those of school students in Poland. Student ID cards and teacher ID cards will be issued by the appropriate consuls for the school seat. In most cases, parents will make a simple request and receive a school ID card from the school in which their child gets their education, as the schools will work together to accomplish this task with the consuls. The eligibility rules came into effect on April 21st, 2017. This allows interested students who are eligible for early travel applications to get their passes before travelling to Poland.

Below are detailed rules in the form of questions and answers.

Who can get an ID?

Any pupil up to the age of 18 who is learning Polish language, history, geography, culture or other subjects taught in the Polish language can receive the ID card. It is not necessary to study all subjects simultaneously. Pupils learning these subjects are entitled to receive an ID provided they belong to one of the following types of schools:

Can student ID cards be received from all schools?

The regulations state that students are entitled to IDs based on four types of schools:
1. schools run by social organizations registered in the database of the Center for the Development of Polish Education Abroad,
2. schools in the education systems of other countries,
3. Polish sections operating in the education systems of other countries,
4. European Schools.

In the case of schools run by social organizations (also known as Polish, social, Saturday or Sunday schools) or supplementary schools, the current registration of the school in the database of the Center for the Development of Polish Education Abroad ( Students from unregistered schools or schools that have not updated data within the last 12 months of the date of application will not be able to receive the ID card.

What is gained through an ID for a pupil?

A student ID card entitles the purchase of reduced price tickets:
- 37% - on public transport on public and express trains, based on one-off tickets,
- 49% - at public transport on public and express passenger trains and on public bus transport in normal and accelerated traffic, on the basis of registered monthly tickets
- to museums,
- to national parks.

What is gained through an ID for a teacher?

The teacher ID card entitles you to purchase reduced tickets:
- 33% for public passenger rail transport on passenger trains, on the basis of one-time or monthly registered tickets and public mass public bus transport, on the basis of registered monthly tickets
- to museums,
- to national parks.

What data does the card contain?

The ID card contains the name and date of birth of the student, as well as the name of the school they are studying at. In addition, the name of the consulate and its stamp and its date of validity are on the card.

Is the ID card alone enough to take advantage of the discount?

The ID card is valid only with a valid photo ID (other ID card or passport). The lack of a document prevents the use of a relief, and if you buy a reduced ticket for travel, it may result in the imposition of a penalty for not having a document confirming your entitlement to the allowance in accordance with the rules applicable to the carriers.
According to the rules, the student's entitlement to benefits is reduced until he or she reaches the age of majority - so if the student receives an ID in the year in which he or she reaches the age of 18, the benefit is only until the age of 18.

Why does the ID card not contain a photo of the child?

The pupil ID is different from the pattern obtained by pupils of schools in Poland. There is no photo of the pupil, which simplifies the process of obtaining one. The identity card is valid with another document confirming identity (passport, ID card).

Where should one apply for an ID card for a child?

The parent or legal guardian of the child may submit a request for a pupil's legitimacy through the school where the child studies. The application can also be made individually at the consulate appropriate for the school's seat. The form of the application for the card is available on the consulate's website.

What documents should I present when applying for a student card?

The application must be accompanied by documents confirming the pupil's education of Polish or other subjects in Polish. If the application is made through the school, no additional documents need to be provided, as the school will confirm to the consul the data of its students. A non-mediating school in the transfer of applications can also confirm the fact of a pupil's education on parental request.

Where should I pick up my ID?

ID cards can be picked up where the application was made. If the application was made through a school then the school will also provide the card. If the application was made to a consul then the ID cards can be received at the consulate.

What is the waiting time for an ID?

Consulates will issue IDs within 30 days of the date of the application. If the application is made through the school, the 30-day period is counted from the day the application is delivered to the consul. The receipt of the issued ID cards within the time limit set by the consul will be available for an authorized person. If a parent is anxious to get a student ID quickly, he / she should make sure that the school is informed of the date the application is sent to the consul (collectively or individually).

For what period are ID cards issued?

ID cards are issued for the school year, with the expiry date of the last day of the month in which the next school year begins in that state. For example, if the school year runs from September 1 to August 31, the card will be issued with a validity date of September 30 of the following year. In 2017, ID cards will be issued exceptionally with a longer validity. This means that the ID cards issued in the 2016/2017 school year will remain valid until the end of the next school year 2017/2018. After this date, the card does not entitle you to benefit from the legal allowances.

How can I extend my validity?

If the student continues to study, his / her ID will be extended for the following school year at the request of his or her parents or legal guardians. Requests for renewal are submitted on the same basis as applications for ID cards - this can be done through the school. In the case of applications submitted individually to the consul, a document confirming continuation of study should be attached.

What should I do in case of loss, damage in a way that makes it difficult or impossible to read or if the cardholder's identity changes?

In this case, you should contact the consul (this can be done through the school), but there is no need to provide proof of attendance in a given year because the consul has them in their file.